
What’s all the Pluzz about?

With the new BUas Strategy we are on our way to BUas+. The My+ series gives students, lecturers, researchers, and industry partners a platform to zoom in on what the plus means to them personally. This is Maria Kubik, Creative Business student from Poland.

I’m glad I can add something extra!

‘Every time – when I walk onto campus – I get an even bigger drive to do better this day. All the enthusiastic people around me make me feel so. Yes, I’m influenced by others – but in a good way, I’m really inspired. When I'm having a bad day and I'm on campus, I never stay grumpy for long. On campus I feel okay and safe.

I like working on campus, I spend a lot of hours there, because I don’t want to eat, sleep and work all in the same place. So, the campus it is! I really love the diversity, there are beautiful project spaces where I can work with fellow students. And I discovered the silent rooms! Marvelous. Just you and your laptop and your books. No one is talking, everybody is focused. For me a big plus is the freedom and help I get to develop myself and to shape my own personal study path. I think this freedom is important because I need some space to be creative. Another big plus for me is the collaborative learning approach. You learn the most from students who are working on completely different projects, and you can often make cool connections. 

Every semester I join the round table sessions as a class representative. In these sessions students give feedback on education. What is it that we want to keep? What needs to be improved? I think this is a crucial process, you know why? You choose a university because you want quality education. Joining these sessions is a way to achieve this together. I’m glad I can add something extra in this way!’

Maria Kubik from Poland, Creative Business student at BUas