What’s all the Pluzz about?
With the new BUas Strategy we are on our way to BUas+. The My+ series gives students, lecturers, researchers, and industry partners a platform to zoom in on what the plus means to them personally. This is Liliya Terzieva from Bulgaria, Senior lecturer and PhD researcher at BUas.
I think it’s time for a treasure hunt!
‘I definitely liked the way we worked together on the development of the new BUas+ Strategy. And now, it needs growing. It needs fermentation, just like a good wine. You can have the best grapes ever, still they need time to let their best juices flavour the wine. That’s where the magic happens, and I think ownership is the most important thing in this process.
I absolutely see a big plus in better translating our research efforts and data into daily educational life, so that more and more ownership and pride are being taken by all stakeholders involved. Starting today – I have actually been doing this for quite some time – I will – in my interaction with students – translate what I’m doing and show them with whom. In every research project I’m working on there is a graduate involved, students of course, and one or more researchers. We always invite a colleague from another domain or department. It’s a kind of unwritten rule, but I must say it’s not always easy. We need to be more flexible and that is quite a challenge when it comes to cross-domain planning. But we can do it; a good example is Innovation Square.
For me our Innovation Square distinctly embodies our Research & Development plus – it is where the experimenting nature of education and continuous interaction between students, industry partners and research come to life. But, unfortunately, it’s not always visible in daily educational life. We are very good at hiding things. I think it’s time for a treasure hunt!’
Liliya Terzieva from Bulgaria, Senior lecturer and PhD researcher at BUas