The LEVERAGE consortium aims to explore and enhance the potential of Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs), such as e-scooters, e-steps, e-bikes, and micro-cars, for the mobility transition.
What was the goal of this research?
The goal of this research is to determine how the potential of LEVs can be maximized through their enhanced integration into the broader mobility system and policy frameworks. Additionally, the research seeks to develop effective governance strategies that foster collaboration between public and private stakeholders. LEVERAGE aims to provide knowledge and guidelines for governments, transport operators, shared mobility providers, and other relevant stakeholders to fully utilize the potential of LEVs.
What method was employed?
The research involves studying various aspects of LEVs, including:
- The impact of LEVs on car ownership and usage in residential areas
- The integration of LEVs into the multimodal mobility system
- The effects of LEVs on traffic safety and user experience on (cycling) infrastructure
- The integration of LEVs into government policies and effective governance for public-private partnerships
What findings did we uncover?
The findings from this research will provide insights into how LEVs can influence car ownership and usage, their role within a multimodal mobility system, their impact on traffic safety and user experience, and the ways in which they can be integrated into government policies and governance frameworks to promote public-private partnerships.
What is the timeline of this project?
January 2024 – October 2027
Who are ou main collaborating partners?
Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen, TU/e, other knowledge institutions, private parties (i.e. Arriva and Check), and governmental institutions (i.e. Provincie Noord-Brabant, Gemeente Breda, Gemeente Eindhoven, Gemeente Arnhem)
Who are our funding partners?
RAAK-PRO van Regieorgaan SIA
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