BUAS has initiated the Greengage project, a three-year pan-European Innovation Action funded under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The project aims to promote innovative governance and assist public authorities in shaping their climate mitigation and adaptation policies by engaging with citizens to co-create green initiatives and develop Citizen Observatories. These observatories focus on mobility, air quality, and healthy living to support the delivery of carbon-neutral neighborhoods.
What was the goal of this research?
The goal of the Greengage project is to help public authorities design and implement effective climate policies by involving citizens in the co-creation of green initiatives. It seeks to establish Citizen Observatories in five pilot cities and regions to gather and visualize data, thus facilitating inclusive smart governance.
What method was employed?
The project employs data-gathering and visualization technologies, along with participatory research methodologies, to form Citizen Observatories in five pilot locations: North Brabant (NL), Bristol (UK), Turano & Gerace (Italy), and Copenhagen (Denmark). These observatories engage citizens in tracking and analyzing data related to mobility, air quality, and healthy living.
What findings did we uncover?
One of the pilot projects focuses on increasing the shift from car to bike travel in North Brabant. By involving Citizen Observatories in analyzing cycling patterns and modal choices, BUas, the Province of North Brabant, and Argaleo can collaboratively identify the requirements for promoting a greener modal shift. This participatory approach helps to create more effective and inclusive climate policies and fosters long-term cooperation between public authorities and citizens.
What is the timeline of this project?
Who are our main collaborating partners?
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH (AIT), Sushi Dev KG (SuhsiDev), Digitalsunray Media GmbH (DSR), University of the West of England (UWE), Bristol City Council (Pilot: Bristol (BCC)), I Borghi Più Belli D'italia (Pilot:Turano Gerace (Borghi Italia)), Miljopunkt Amager (Pilot: Copenhagen (MPA)), Noord-Brabant Provincie (Pilot: North-Brabant (PNB)), Knowle West Media Centre LBG (KWMC), Universidad de la Iglesia de Deusto Entidad Religiosa (DEUSTO), MindEarth, Moondial GmbH SME, GISAT S.R.O., VRVis Zentrum für Virtual Reality und Visualisierung Forschungs, Fundacion Ibercivis (IberCivis) and Hop Ubiquitous Sl.
Who is our funding partner?
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