
Can computers talk like humans? Look like humans? Behave like humans? The Virtual Humans in the Brabant Economy (VIBE) project aims to answer these questions by developing and testing sophisticated virtual humans. VIBE focuses on creating virtual agents that can communicate naturally with people and enhance training and educational programs across various domains.

What was the goal of this research?

The goal of the VIBE project was to develop virtual humans capable of natural verbal and non-verbal communication. These virtual agents aimed to deliver valuable contributions to the training of healthcare professionals and be adaptable for use in other training simulations, including virtual, mixed, and augmented reality environments.

What method was employed?

The VIBE project employed advanced techniques in computer science and artificial intelligence to develop virtual humans. These virtual agents were designed to interact naturally with people, using both verbal and non-verbal communication. The project also focused on testing these agents in various training simulations, particularly in the healthcare sector, and exploring their potential customization for other domains.

What findings did we uncover?

The research successfully developed virtual humans capable of natural interaction with people. These VIBE agents were effectively integrated into training simulations, providing valuable support for healthcare professionals. The project demonstrated that these virtual agents could be customized for various domains, enhancing training and education programs beyond the healthcare field. The VIBE project highlighted the potential of virtual humans to improve training efficiency and effectiveness, contributing significantly to the broader application of virtual, mixed, and augmented reality technologies.

What is the timeline of this project?



Who are our main collaborating partners?

Tilburg University and thirteen partners


Who are our funding partners?

EU EFRO, Province of Noord Brabant, municipalities.


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