Library - Basics

Library basics

Borrowing library items

You are allowed to have a maximum of 10 items on loan (except Reference works) for a loan period of 1 week (study/booklist books, DVD’s, journals, games or 3 months (books). Your student/employee card is also you library card.

In the convent library you can borrow materials via self-service.

Questions? Please ask our colleagues at the Information desk, via [email protected] or phone 076-5332290.

Paying library fines & invoices


You will receive a pre-reminder that a Library item is about to become overdue. This will give you the opportunity to renew the item (unless reserved) or return it in time. When the lending period has expired, the Library will charge you for this.  The fine will be €0.40 for each day that the item is overdue. 

  • After 7 days a reminder will be sent, stating that item is overdue (the fine has become €2.00 (5x 0,40), still giving you the opportunity to renew (unless reserved) or return the item.
  • After 14 days a last reminder is sent, warning you that if not returned within 7 days the item will be assumed to have been lost by the borrower.  
  • After 21 days materials are considered lost and the borrower will be restricted from borrowing, reserving and renewing Library materials. An invoice will be sent to you in accordance with article 6 (check the Library regulations). The fines already accrued will be replaced by these administration costs.

If you bring back the book after the Library has made the invoice, you will have to pay the administration costs of €10 per lent item. You can loan, reserve and renew books again as soon as you have brought back the materials and/or you have paid the invoice.

Received an invoice?

When materials are lost or damaged the borrower will be charged with the costs of replacement and repair in addition to € 10.00 of administration costs per item.

The default replacement costs for Library material are as follow:

  • Printed books : € 50,- 
  • Audiovisual material: € 25,- 
  • Journal issues /Serials: € 20,- 
  • Software (computer games etc) :  € 60,-
  • Objects (consoles , board games etc.) : € 200,-

Questions? Please contact us via [email protected] or by phone 076-5332290.

Renewing library items

Via the option ‘Renew and reserve books’ in the library catalogue you can renew the lending period of library materials. By renewing your items before the due date, you will avoid fines and you will be able to keep the items for a longer period of time.

Questions? Please contact us via [email protected] or by phone 076-5332290.

Reserving library items

All students and staff members of Breda University of Applied Sciences can make reservations (holds) via the catalogue for library items that are currently on loan or on the shelf. As soon as the items are available, you will receive an e-mail informing you that you can pick them up in the library.

Questions? Please contact us via [email protected] or by phone 076-5332290.

Services during placement/graduation

If you are on placement/graduation and not allowed to visit the campus during the day, you still can make use of the library and our services:

  • Need help with research? Please contact our information specialists via Meet the Librarian and make an appointment for an (online) meeting.
  • You can access the Library catalogue and digital collections 24/7 via 
  • Questions? Send us an email [email protected] or phone 076-5332290

Searching the library collections

You can search the (digital) collections of our library via the website. This website features very user-friendly search options for the catalogue, and the various databases, journals and e-books, of which a large part can be accessed outside Breda University of Applied Sciences. Via Metasearch, you can search simultaneously in several databases. Use of Google Scholar via our list of databases gives you access to (if access is provided by licence) the full-text versions of articles, (e-)books, reports etc.

Questions? Please contact us via [email protected] or by phone 076-5332290.